Friday, December 24, 2010

Note of Thanks

Hey everyone! I was browsing through some articles related to early childhood this past week and found a quote that really resonated with me: 

"If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses."

This quote implies that all children have great potential from the beginning but it us up to us as  teachers, parents, and caregivers to nurture heathy development in all domains. We have a great responsibility to children and we should take pride in that. I would also like to personally and publicly thank our wonderful instructor, Ms. Jan Ferrari. She has been such a helpful and caring instructor and I look forward to my next course with her in January. Thank you to all of my insightful and encouraging classmates as well! I have really enjoyed all of your blogs and intelligent discussions. Happy new year to each and every one of you!



  1. I love the quote! I want to also thank you for being a wonderful classmate, your posts and blogs have been wonderful reading! I want also to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
