Saturday, July 23, 2011

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

As a new parent who looks fairly young (I don't think so but I hear it a lot), I am a victim of microaggression more than I would like. "Older" parents like to treat me as if I have no clue what I am doing and that their way is better. This last Wednesday, I was in line at a grocery store behind a lady who had two children. One was close to my son's age (15 months) and the other was no more than three. The toddler was begging for a toy and flailing his arms. He ended up hitting me in the leg with this toy he was begging for and I politely smiled at the mother. She apologized and said, "Sorry about that. One day you'll understand what I go through on a daily basis!" I proceeded to tell her that I had a little one myself who was in to everything. She responded with, "Well you don't look old enough to have a child. How old are you!?" I said I was 24 and ended the conversation. This may not strike others as microaggression but when people just look at me and assume I am a carefree college student I get offended. I am a married, college graduate and mother. There is more to me than a young face. And I feel demeaned when I am treated differently. These experiences allow me to see just how hurtful microaggression really can be. I know I have said it a million times but we all need to stop assuming! Stereotypes are called that for a reason!

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