Saturday, November 5, 2011

Introdution to Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy

Part 1: Why did you choose this specialization? Share what resonates with you about this specialization. Consider the relationship between your passion and aspirations related to public policy and advocacy and what you hope to accomplish with regard to promoting the well-being of children, families, and the early childhood field.

I chose this specialization as a result of one of my favorite professor's in college. She was a Court Appointed Child Advocate in the state of Georgia and would come to class every evening with a heart-warming or heart-wrenching story. She advocated for children who could not speak for themselves in court settings. She would often speak on behalf of children who had been victimized and fight for their rights. I thought it was such a noble cause and I have wanted to be a part of it ever since. When I saw that Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy was an option for specialization, I was immediately sold and hope it brings me one step closer to being a child advocate. 

Part 2: Why are advocates essential in the early childhood field? Explain why you believe becoming a skilled and confident advocate is crucial for early childhood professionals and for the field.

Children need people to speak up for them! Too often children are brushed aside as if their feelings and opinions don't matter and that is unfortunate. Children are our future and we should find a way to make their voices heard. Being a skilled and confident advocate is crucial for early childhood professionals and the field because it allows these voices to be heard. 

Part 3: What do you hope to learn about public policy and advocacy? Articulate at least three goals related to this specialization at this point in your coursework.

My goals related to this specialization at this point in my coursework are:
(1) To fully understand what child advocacy truly means and entails
(2) To be able to advocate in a professional manner
(3) To learn more about public policy and fully understand what it involves


I am really looking forward to this course!


  1. Brittany,

    I wrote something similar to what you wrote about allowing voices to be heard. I, too, am looking forward to gaing the skills and confidence to be an effective advocate for children and their families.

  2. Brittany,
    Before I started studying for my masters in ECE I went through the training to become a Case appointed advocate. I started being a CASA but had to stop being active after starting school and working full time. The experience was amazing and truly when doing this work, you are right in the court room advocating for children and their rights. It takes an amazing amount of time. I too was inspired by this experience to continue to advocate for children. It is so sad to see what happens to children in the system. There are so many ways that we can be a voice for children.
