Saturday, September 25, 2010


My main caretakers as a child were my mother, father, maternal grandparents, and my uncle. They are all wonderful people that I am eternally thankful to know...

*Click picture to enlarge*


  1. Your blog always looks soooo good! I love the "web" you created! How awesome to have so many people to love you and care for you!

  2. Your relationship with your dad really reminds me of my father. He was definitely the center of our family support, both financially and emotionally. He always encouraged his family and kids to pursue their dreams. Similarly, I enjoy having him in my life now as an adult.

  3. I love the actual web you created. I could learn a thing aor two from you about this whole blog thing. The relationship between you and your father reminds me of me and my dad. We are very close and I talk to him daily. He taught me to have a good work ethic just as your dad did for you!
