Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 2

A rose gets its color and fragrance from the root, and man his virtue from his childhood.
AUSTIN O'MALLEY, Keystones of Thought

I am fond of this quote because within its simplicity is a complex truth. In our childhood, we all experienced different situations, circumstances, influences, persepctives and countless other variables that combined to make us the unique individuals we are today.

Children hold a very special place in my heart. Now that I have a four month-old son, not a day goes by that I am not impacted by him for the better. Everything I do is driven by motivation to make sure his childhood is the best that it can be. I want him to look back on these days with pride. Having my own child has also allowed me to empathize with other children, as I would like to impact their world for the better as well. Today at the grocery store, a group of bright-eyed Cub Scouts were selling popcorn to raise money to attend space camp. I immediately wanted to help, knowing my son could quite possibly be in the same situation in the next few years. I bought a couple of boxes of popcorn and gave each of the boys a $5 "tip" for working so hard. They were ecstatic to recive the extra money and to see them so happy and proud of their hard work was more rewarding for me than it possibly could have been for them. My heart was warmed as I walked away listenimg to them brag to their scout leader about their most recent sale.

This is a picture of my myself, my son and my husband a few days after getting home from the hospital.

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