Saturday, June 4, 2011

Research Around The World

I chose to further explore the web site for the Early Childhood Development
Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Current research 
topics in Africa include:

Assessment of the Caring Practices in Two Motherless
Babies’ Homes in Abia State, Nigeria and the
Development and Delivery of a Nutrition
Training Program to the Staff of These Homes to
Improve Nutrition of Children in Their Care

Parents’ and Other Caregivers’ Perception of Early
Childhood Development Needs and Quality: A Study
of the PLAN-Assisted Programmes in Bawjiase, Ghana

Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care
and Development

Assessing the Influence of Different Early Childhood
Development Models On Pre-School Children’s School
Readiness in Kenya

New insight that I have gained after exploring this web
site is that the current research topics in Africa are
very similar to those that are popular in the United
States. For some reason I had assumed that they
would be much different.

The ECDVU takes pride in addressing leadership
issues in the Early Childhood field.  They strive to
develop strong and well-educated leaders to ensure
the best interest of the children. It is an internationally 
recognized program that is continuing
to grow and impact the early childhood field in Africa.

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