Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thank You!

I hope that my work with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds will not only positively affect them but myself as well. I hope to take every chance I get to learn about others and keep an open mind. I would simply like to set a goal for the early childhood field in which all staff and faculty involved is required to take annual diversity awareness seminars. This way, no one in the field could claim they didn't know what they were doing if they oppress, discriminate or show bias towards another culture. 

I really want to thank all of you for the continued support and encouragement on this journey. You are all so insightful and will make quality professionals. I know you all will represent for the early childhood field very positively and set good examples. I especially want to thank Dr. Ferrari! She is an excellent instructor and has really gotten me to think about issues I may have never considered. Good luck to everyone in their future courses and thanks again!


  1. Thank you Brittany, for all the wonderful information and resources you shared with us during this course. I love your suggestion in regards to having teachers and other staff involved in the work with children and families to attend an annual seminar were they learn ways they can identify their bias and work on ways to improve the quality of work done with each child and family they serve.
    I wish you the best of luck, and I'm looking forward to learining more from the resources and experiences you share with us.

  2. Brittany,
    Professional development opportunities around diversity and multicultural education would be great because I think that many classrooms around the world are lacking that component in the classroom. Good luck in your future courses and in the work you do with young children and their families.
