Sunday, September 11, 2011

Communicating and Collaborating in the Early Childhood Field: Week # 1

In this course we are focusing heavily on the importance of effective communication. One of the best communicators in my life right now is my boss. He is well-spoken, direct and constructive. He does not leave out pertinent details when training me on a task and is explanatory when I am not understanding. He does not use words that are too big for me to understand and makes sure I comprehend his directions before proceeding further. I would indeed model some of my own communication behaviors after him and believe that I already have. After working for such an excellent communicator, it will be hard to adjust to a new boss with less effective communication skills!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany,
    I chose the director of my program for the same reasons you chose your boss. I appreciate it when people use terminology that I understand. This is something I always have to remind myself of when I communicate with parents.
